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French Academy: Sylviane Agacinski elected to replace Jean-Loup Dabadie

7 ladies and 29 men. Here is now the composition of the French Academy, after the election this Friday of the truth seeker Sylviane Agacinski to replace Jean-Loup Dabadie, who died 3 years ago, reviews the French Academy on its internet site, confirming information from Figaro and Point.

Sylviane Agacinski, seventy eight, was elected with thirteen votes out of 23 electorate (together with 7 refusals), dealing with the historian Bertrand Lançon who obtained handiest one vote. The candidacies of Franz-Olivier Giesbert, Olivier Barrot, Benoît Duteurtre, Frédéric Beigbeder, Éric Neuhoff and Alain Borer have been rejected in advance, specifies Le Figaro.


Sylviane Agacinski, who married Lionel Jospin in 1994, has authored many works, along with the “Politics of the sexes”, “Drama of the sexes”, “Women among sex and gender” or maybe extra lately “Faced with a holy conflict”, who is inquisitive about the ancient links between faith and politics and denounces “the intolerable advertising of the veiling of girls” by using Islamist proselytism.

Opposed to surrogacy and adoption for all

In “Body in crumbs”, in 2009, Sylviane Agacinski became sharply opposed to management for others, wherein we might put “sales for rent”. “Propaganda in desire of surrogacy cannot mask the violence of this sort of practice. In the call of the distinction of the human individual, this book requires resistance,” she wrote. In 2013, the truth seeker expressed “reservations approximately adoption” through homosexual couples and stated she become geared up to illustrate a criminal offense on marriage for all.


The French Academy will soon welcome a newcomer with the agency, on June 22, of a new vote to replace Marc Fumaroli, who died in June 2020. The goal of the French Academy is to “supply positive policies to our language and to make it pure”, shows its statutes.

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