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The María Cristina Masaveu Peterson Foundation proposes a century and a 1/2 excursion of the nevertheless lifestyles

The María Cristina Masaveu Peterson Foundation has supplied ‘Masaveu Collection. Object and nature. Still lifes and vases from the seventeenth – 18th centuriesan exhibition that can be visited at its headquarters in Madrid from September 15 to January 28, 2024.

Curated by Ángel Aterido, professor of Art History at the Complutense University of Madrid and expert in 17th century Spanish painting, this exhibition proposes a century and a half adventure through Spanish nevertheless life in nearly fifty works via numerous artists devoted to the genre. .

“From the sober techniques of Juan van der Hamen, Alejandro de Loarte or Juan de Zurbarán, thru the whole baroque answers of Juan de Arellano, until concluding with the delicate compositions of Luis Meléndez,” the muse has explained.

“The style of still existence constitutes one of the most coherent thematic cores in the Masaveu Collection. In this exhibition a large selection has been brought collectively, targeted on his maximum notable pieces from the Baroque and the Enlightenment, thru which give a representative panorama of the origin and evolution of one of the maximum giant pictorial topics within the Western way of life“explains the commissioner.

For his component, for Álvaro Sánchez, secretary of the board of the María Cristina Masaveu Peterson Foundation, this exhibition “demonstrates the work of disseminating the Masaveu Collection as an institution that inherits the centuries-vintage subculture of patronage that has characterized the Masaveu own family in the course of generations“.

The exhibition become provided for the primary time at the Unicaja Foundation in Seville (from April four to July 16, 2022) and has also been seen on the Museum of Fine Arts of Asturias (from September 30, 2022 to January 8 2023) with variations in its agency and number of portions in comparison to the exhibition that is now starting in Madrid, redesigned for the rooms of the María Cristina Masaveu Peterson Foundation headquarters.

It is made up ordinarily of funds from the Collection. The personal series of Pedro Masaveu Peterson, made of four hundred and ten works, changed into delivered to the Principality of Asturias through dation in 1994, 12 months after his loss of life, on the specific wish of María Cristina Masaveu Peterson, who desired on this manner honor the discern of his brother as a collector.

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